How should the Design Industry adapt to AI? 

The world is in a constant state of flux, but there are moments where we as a collective, stand witness to the ‘tipping point’ – a build-up of small but significant steps over the years that finally culminate into a global shift, impacting people, businesses, politics, economies, communities, and culture.

Today we see three big shifts, or forces, that will contribute to the next ‘tipping point’: 🤖 Artificial Intelligence, 🌍 sustainability, and decentralisation of the internet (✨ web3).

But what does AI mean for the Design and Product industry? …and what are we going to do about it?


We’ve written this report with the global digital design and product industry in mind.

🛠️ The report aims to be as practical and actionable as possible, and in doing so, potentially helpful to you in your current context and role.

We start with a critique of the Design industry, current and future, followed by the five key phases to consider when evolving your design process due to AI. All interlaced with potential 🪄Action Points for you to integrate in your practice.

I want AI to take our jobs, our jobs are boring! Design is stuck in the rut of customer journey mapping, and we desperately need to get out of it.
— Global VP of Design, Digital Consulting

The promise of AI hyper-optimisation and efficiency, comes with concerns around loss of jobs and value across industries. This also holds true for the digital design and product industry. But what does this mean in terms of practical application - in the way we build teams, foster leadership, up-skill and rethink our methods and tools?

Listen to this summary - Transformative Potential of AI and Understanding the influence of supply and demand

AI will, and with utmost certainty, democratize the design process, speeding up iterations and enabling discovery and delivery at scale, so how do we retain the expertise, quality and value within our practice?

Get the action points you can start applying to your role and projects to stay a step ahead >>>

Download the report >

With AI maturity, the reliance on data-driven decision making is going to be greater. What does this mean for our methods, our frameworks, our outputs and how will it shape the way we think and design solutions?

Discover three action points on how design processes need to be redefined, key considerations for product managers and the shift towards data experiences and data needs.

Listen to the summary - A new approach to Design

In an era where it feels that Artificial Intelligence and data-driven ROI measures can kill radical new ideas, creativity and innovation - companies that seek growth and competitive advantage will have to rely on those who can see beyond the data-led binary approach to problem solving - and to those that can find new ideas, create novel experiences and discover new challenges that others may not be able to. This is where Design should define it’s value.

Download the report 📥

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